Friday, 14 May 2010

Current accounts. Who needs them?

Majority of us use current accounts to get our wages paid into, but then comes straight back out to pay all our bills.

During this economic down-turn, it is essential that you are a savvy consumer, rather than being an oblivious one.

Throughout life people are often scared of change. What do you owe your current bank if you decide to leave? If they are not offering the best deal, it is time to switch!!

Currently Alliance and Leicester are offering customers a £100 incentive to switch from their current banking provider to their Premier current account. Additionally they guarantee 0% interest on all overdrafts for the next 12 months.

Before thinking about switching it is imperative to discuss with your current provider if there are other accounts that are more tailored to your personal financial circumstances. If they are not coming up with the goods, you know what to do next: